Techie Talks

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Touch(me not?)pad Vs Laptop power

This happens on Monday, Jan the 6th, when I was at Karthik's lab to trouble shoot a problem (will post that abt interesting problem soon) with his comp... I was carrying my laptop with me , as usual, and started working on it from his lab to look up some info on google abt his comp probs.. Just then, my touch-pad was behaving like a touch-me not! It started to move my cursor erratically... And, the cursor behaved as if it were on an old car having starting problems... As always, with sleight of hand of an ex-IT help desk specialist of Chemical Engg dept (TTU), I did all troubleshooting I knew with Windows, including RESTARTING!!! Boy! Rarest ever, Windows was naughty with my mouse arrow, even after that..

However, the reason this time was "close" to restarting.. This time, surprisingly ever, the touchpad behaved properly when I unhooked the power from my laptop... Strange! Strange!

"Ok", I said.. Whatever, it work, alright.. so decided to listen to some songs via Karthik's speakers connected to my laptop (Scene unlimited!!).. and voila! the mouse arrow was mocking me again!! This time again, I guess the problem would be power itself, because the speaker was connected to the same outlet as to where I'd connected the power supply for my laptop...

Hmm.. that was a another great session with trouble shooting Karthik's Lab-top!


Blogger ranga said...

Puns very well used... anyway, what he failed to mention was my C drive had to be reformatted!!!!

7:54 PM  
Blogger Sreeram said...

Hang on Karthik.. that part of the episode will follow soon..

8:04 PM  

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