Techie Talks

Friday, April 28, 2006

Creating custom events for dum(m)i(e)s

Purpose: To explain the process of creating and handling custom events.

1. Create a new class that extends the EventArgs class

public class DataLockReleasedEventArgs : EventArgs
//Add extra properties and construtors

2. Define the handler delegate

public delegate void DataLockReleasedEventHandler(object o, DataLockReleasedEventArgs e);

3. In the class that will be generating the event, define the event

public event DataLockReleasedEventHandler DataLockReleased;

4. In the class that will be generating the event, create the "On" method (normally protected)

protected static void OnDataLockReleased(DataLockReleasedEventArgs e)
if(DataLockReleased != null)
DataLockReleased(new object(), e); //Instead of new object, pass a meaningful object

5. In the class that will be generating the event, generate the event when appropriate

public void EventGenerationMethod(...)
DataLockReleasedEventArgs dlrEventArgs = new DataLockReleasedEventArgs(); //Use appr constr
//Fill in the eventargs properties as necessary

6. In the class that will be receiving the events, subscribe to the event, usually during the creation of the event defining class's object

public void CreationMethod()
EventDefiningClass evDefClass = new EventDefiningClass();
evDefClass.DataLockReleased += new DataLockReleasedEventHandler(evDefClass_DataLockReleased);

7. In the class that will be receiving the events, define the event handling method

void evDefClass_DataLockReleased(object o, DataLockReleasedEventArgs e)
//Handle the event

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I used hiding!!!

For the first time in my programming life, I fruitfully used method hiding functionality of object oriented programming!

I am working on my own version of datagridview... and didnt want users to add new rows... !! I created a new accessor in my code by name "AllowUsersToAddNewRows", set its property to private and voila! I hid it :).

I am happy that I used OOPS concepts at a real-level and not just another foo-bar learning exercise!